By patrick365

Back pain, back injury are among the top leading physical complaint in adults. The deliberating effects can lessen works, recreation, sleep and mood. With proper diagnosis and the right kind of treatment are sometimes elusive. The upper back pain through lower back pain can be addressed in a successful and long-lasting way if it is treated with proper medical support.

There are different types of back pains:

  • Acute Low Back Pain
  • Chronic Back Pain

Acute Back Pain

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Acute back pain is one common reason for adults to see a doctor. Most patient recover quickly with basic treatment. It usually occurs, persons between 20 and 40 years of age. Acute back pain is currently defined as pain lasting less than 3 to 6 months. Some of the causes of Acute Back pains are trauma, muscle imbalance, existing medical conditions, rheumatological conditions. Younger adults between 30 and 60 years old are more likely to experience acute lower back pain in the disc space itself or from back. Older adults over 60 years old are more likely to suffer from pain related to joint degeneration. Some of the symptoms of acute lower back pain are:

  • Difficulty moving that can be severe enough to prevent walking or standing
  • Pain that does not radiate down the leg
  • Pain that tends to be achy
  • Local soreness upon touch

The treatment for acute lower back pain is depend by the patient’s history and the type and severity of pain. The majority of curing acute lower back pain is within six weeks without surgery. And lower back exercises are almost part of the treatment plan.

Treatment on acute lower back pains:

  • REST. Backing off activities for a few days allows injured tissue and even nerve roots begins to heal, in which will help relieve acute lower back pain.
  • HEAT AND ICE PACKS help relieve lower back pain by reducing inflammation.
  • MEDICATIONS. Many medications often reduce inflammation, in which is often a cause of pain.
  • EXERCISE for LOWER BACK PAIN. Exercise is a key element of almost any lower back pain treatment plan.


Chronic Back Pain

Chronic back pain last for 3 months or beyond the point of tissue healing and its sources may be hard to determine. The complexity of chronic symptoms requires consultation with pain management specialists. Depression is one of the most common emotions associated with chronic back pain. Professionals said to be chronic pain and depression are the two most common health problems they encounter, only a handful of investigation gathered between these conditions in   general population. Major depression is said to be the four times greater in people with chronic back pain. It is usually less directly related to identifiable tissue damage and structural problem with chronic back pain.

Examples of chronic pain are Chronic Back Pain, failed back surgery syndrome and fibromyalgia. This kinds of factors is influenced by chronic pain, such as ongoing pain signal input to the nervous system, physical de conditioning due to lack of exercise. Chronic back pain is less than understood with acute back pain.

Untreated pain can hinder with the healing process by affecting the immune system. Discomfort can block the rehabilitation process by interfering with exercise.

Here is a list on how to treat chronic back pains:

  • Muscle relaxants
  • Physical therapy
  • Heat or ice
  • Traction or realignment
  • Steroids  injection
  • Nerve blocks
  • Surgery (for severe cases)


Here’s a video about a Back pain treatment in NYC. Please watch: