Outbreak News Today

Brazil: Minas Gerais state is experiencing the worst dengue epidemic in history

By NewsDesk   @bactiman63

Between January and November 2019, there were 484,000 probable cases of dengue fever, 16 times higher than the whole of 2018, making it the worst dengue epidemic in the history of the state.

Aedes aegypti/CDC

In fact, in May 2019 alone, 152,000 cases were reported. More than 200 municipalities are on alert and another 15 are at risk.

The Director of Communicable Diseases Surveillance of the Health Department of Minas Gerais, Janaina Almeida, said, “In 2019, we faced the worst epidemic of all time, especially in terms of deaths and hospitalizations.”

This year alone, 153 dengue deaths were confirmed in 47 municipalities of Minas Gerais and 94 other deaths remain under investigation.

Dengue in the Americas: Nearly 3 million cases in 2019

The state government has mobilized the population, raising awareness to combat the mosquito that transmits dengue, Zika and chikungunya. Pilot projects are tested with the adoption of new technologies, such as mosquito traps, larvicides and insecticides.

The main way to prevent mosquitoes from proliferating is to avoid standing water. It is important to check all reservoirs, eliminate plant pots, properly dispose of disposable packaging and utensils, and keep clean gutters.

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