Outbreak News Today

Colorado State University manufacturing Ebola, Marburg vaccines for DOD


Colorado State University is aiding in the development of vaccines to protect U.S. soldiers from Ebola and Marburg, both deadly diseases caused by filoviruses.


BioMARC, a high-containment biopharmaceutical facility operated by CSU, is manufacturing the vaccines for the U.S. Department of Defense in support of human clinical trials.

The CSU center received the $2 million subcontract through the DOD’s Medical Countermeasures Systems Joint Vaccine Acquisition program, which develops, procures and stockpiles vaccines to protect soldiers from biological warfare agents.

“Colorado State has long been on the front lines of fighting infectious diseases in humans and animals – from retroviruses to vector-borne viral diseases,” President Tony Frank said. “We’re proud now to be able to put our resources and expertise to work in the pressing fight against Ebola.”

Since Ebola was detected in late 2013 in Guinea, the deadly virus has spread into other West African countries, Europe and even the United States.

As of Oct. 22, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported more than 4,800 people have died from Ebola– making it the worst outbreak since the virus was discovered in the 1970s.

“BioMarc is well positioned to contribute advanced manufacturing assets to important global problems such as Ebola,” said CSU’s Vice President for Research Alan Rudolph. “It is a unique asset for CSU, and we are excited to help the Defense Department execute this important vaccine development program.”

Read the complete CSU news release HERE

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