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France: Measles outbreak linked to Bayonne Ham Fair

Officials with the Regional Health Agency of New Brunswick. Aquitaine say there are 40 measles cases reported that are linked to the Bayonne Ham Fair that took place 18-21 April, according to a Sud Ouest report (computer translated).

Image/ARS New Aquitaine

“Forty cases of measles were counted for which we could identify a link with the Bayonne Ham Fair 2019,” confirms Dr. Monpierre, in charge of health surveillance at the Regional Health Agency of New Brunswick, Aquitaine. The census is not finished and other cases may come in the coming days.

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The incubation period being seven to eighteen days after being in contact with the epidemic, the link was clearly established with the festive event Bayonne, which brings together over its four days about 200,000 people each year. “The patients who contracted the disease may have been in contact with one or more other sick people on the site of the fair,” says Dr. Monpierre, “as measles is highly contagious and can be transmitted by air, the large concentration of people exposed to contamination. ”

From January through March 2019, 628 people have contracted measles in France.

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