Outbreak News Today

Kharkov, Ukraine: Dozens sickened after consuming sushi

By NewsDesk  @infectiousdiseasenews

The Kharkiv Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention (computer translated) has reported 89 people, including 19 children, have been hospitalized for food poisoning.

Image/yossigee via pixabay

Two patients, registered on June 22, are residents of Lugansk, who were on a business trip in the city of Kharkov and ate sushi in the Yakitoria restaurant.

It is noted that according to the results of bacteriological examination of patients, 42 people, incl. two employees of the institution, the culture of the genus Salmonella is highlighted. Pathogenic staphylococcus was found in six workers, pathogenic E. coli was isolated in one, and opportunistic pathogens were isolated in six more.

The likely cause of the outbreak was the consumption of low-quality sushi, which were manufactured and sold without complying with the requirements of sanitary legislation.

The circumstances that contributed to the outbreak and the source of the infection are being established. Anti-epidemic measures and laboratory studies are ongoing.

The poisoning is associated with the consumption of sushi in the Yakitoria and Mafia restaurant chains. Director of the Department for Information and Public Relations of the Kharkiv City Council Yuriy Sidorenko noted that “there (in restaurants, – ed.) There is terrible unsanitary conditions everywhere.” He noted that the State Food and Consumer Service “strongly recommend” both restaurants to close until the end of the epidemiological investigation.


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