Outbreak News Today

Malaysia: Dengue cases up 120%, Rabies in Sarawak up 87%

Image/Robert Herriman

NewsDesk @bactiman63


Malaysia health officials reported 2,427 dengue fever cases during the last week of July, bringing the cumulative total for the year to  68,651.

This is a 120.6 percent increase in cases compared to the same period last year when 31,127 cases were  reported.

There were 47 fatalities due to complications related to dengue compared with 22 deaths due to the same complications throughout 2022.

Rabies in Sarawak

From January 1 to August 7 this year, 15 human rabies cases have been reported in Sarawak, including 13 fatalities.

This is a 87.5% increase from the seven cases in the same period last year.

The 15 cases were reported in the following locations: Sibu (5), Serian (4), Kuching (3), Bintulu (2), and one in Samarahan.

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According to Sarawak Health Director Dr Ooi Choo Huck, “Since the outbreak was declared in July 2017, there have been 70 rabies cases among humans in Sarawak, resulting in 63 deaths.”

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