Outbreak News Today

Measles outbreak: More cases in Israel, Mobile vaccination clinics dispatched


In a follow-up on the Israel measles outbreak, Israeli media reports the outbreak tally has more than 1,300 cases since the beginning of 2018, including some 750 cases in Jerusalem. At least one toddler has died.


This has prompted the health ministry to start an aggressive vaccination campaign , particularly in several haredi neighbors in Jerusalem and Beit Shemesh, where rates of vaccination are particularly low—around 50 percent.

The importance of herd immunity in protecting the vulnerable: A look at a fatal measles case

Vaccination clinics are open at centers in Ramot, Givat Shaul, Ramat Eshkol, Romema, Sanhedria and Ramat Shlomo in Jerusalem, in addition to mobile vaccination clinics being dispatched to the hardest hit areas.




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