Outbreak News Today

Nigeria: Cholera outbreak declared over in Borno State

After reporting in excess of 5,000 cholera cases since August, the Borno State government declared the end of the cholera outbreak in the state last week. This occurred despite ongoing conflict and concurrent outbreaks in the area.

Public domain image/Dartmouth http://remf.dartmouth.edu/images/bacteriaSEM/source/1.html
Public domain image/Dartmouth

The declaration came after the state marked 14 days (the length of time Vibrio cholerae bacterium persists and can be shed by case patients) with no new cholera cases reported.

The last case was reported on 5 December 2017. As of the declaration of the end of the outbreak, a cumulative total of 5,365 cases including 61 deaths (case fatality rate: 1.1%) had been reported.

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According to WHO:

Initially detected in Maiduguri City, the first case was confirmed on August 23 and the majority of cases detected early in the outbreak were reported from Muna garage camp for internally displaced persons (IDP). By September, the outbreak had spread rapidly through several IDP camps and host communities with further reports of cases in Monguno (east of Maiduguri) and Dikwa (north of Maiduguri). In total, six local government areas (LGA) in Borno state were affected, including Jere, Maiduguri Metropolitan Council, Dikwa, Mungono, Mafa and Guzamala. The majority of cases occurred in the Muna corridor (50%) in Jere, Monguno (33%) and Dikwa (14%) LGAs located in the central and eastern parts of the state.

WHO and partners will continue to support cholera preparedness and prevention activities including implementation of improved sanitation facilities and oral cholera vaccination in Borno State.

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