Outbreak News Today

Onondaga County: Three people exposed to rabid fox

By NewsDesk  @infectiousdiseasenews

Onondaga County health officials are reporting that a fox in Onondaga County has tested positive for rabies. Three residents were exposed to rabies as a result of an encounter with the rabid fox; however, there are no human cases of rabies in Onondaga County.

Onondaga County, New York/David Benbennick

Onondaga County Health Commissioner, Dr. Indu Gupta said, “This is the time of year that the public may encounter wildlife. It is important not to touch or feed wildlife because they may be rabid.”

Health officials offer the following advice to prevent rabies in yourself or your pets:

So far in 2019, five animals (two bats, one cat, one raccoon, and one fox) have tested positive for rabies in Onondaga County.

Rabies is a fatal disease that attacks the brain and spinal cord. It can take several weeks to several months for rabies symptoms to appear. Although there is no treatment for rabies, it is PREVENTABLE in both human and pets.

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