Outbreak News Today

Philippines COVID-19 outbreak tops 200,000 cases

By NewsDesk  @infectiousdiseasenews

Philippines health authorities reported an additional 5,277 COVID-19 cases today, putting the country’s case tally over the 200,000 mark (202,361).

The majority of the newly announced cases were from the National Capital Region (NCR), or Metro Manila with 3,157 cases, Laguna with 403 cases, Negros Occidental with 304, Rizal with 237, and Cavite with 228 cases.

With the addition of 99 more deaths, the Philippines total is now 3,137.

Today, the Department of Health (DOH) strongly encouraged isolation as crucial to stop the transmission of the virus.

Health Undersecretary Maria Rosario Singh-Vergeire said that an individual needs to isolate or do self-quarantine even at the slightest suspicion or symptoms of COVID-19 to protect themselves and their loved ones. Further, it is a vital safety measure if they had close contact with suspects, probable, or confirmed cases.

“Whether you are tested or not, please isolate. If you have been in contact with someone who has symptoms or has tested positive, please isolate immediately. If you are unsure if you have been exposed to a person with the virus, again please isolate,” Singh-Vergeire stressed.

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