Outbreak News Today

Russia reports first imported novel coronavirus cases

By NewsDesk  @infectiousdiseasenews

Russia media have reported the first two imported novel coronavirus cases (2019-nCoV) in the country Friday in Chinese citizens.

Image/tetracarbon via pixabay

The cases were detected in the Tyumen region and the Trans-Baikal Territory. Both cases are now under treatment and completely isolated.

Beginning today, flights between Russia and China will be closed, with the exception of regular Aeroflot flights to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Hong Kong, as well as regular Chinese Airlines flights to Sheremetyevo. All these flights will be accepted in a separate airport terminal.

For Chinese citizens, the border between Russia and Mongolia is also limited.

The Russians will be evacuated from the city of Wuhan, where the outbreak of the virus was first recorded, and the province of Hubei. According to Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova, now there are 314 Russian citizens there. If they agree to return, they will be quarantined for two weeks.

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