Health officials in Switzerland have reported a dramatic increase in the bacterial infection, tularemia last year with a growing number of incidents with tick bites has been recorded over the past few years.

A Tularemia lesion on the dorsal skin of right hand/CDC
A Tularemia lesion on the dorsal skin of right hand/CDC

According to a Swiss Info report, 130 confirmed cases of tularemia were reported last year. This is four times more than usual.

The authorities called on doctors to report all such cases. A decision on coordinated campaign measures will be taken later this year.

Tularemia can be transmitted to people, such as hunters, who have handled infected animals. Infection can also arise from the bite of infected insects (most commonly ticks and deer flies); by exposure to contaminated food, water, or soil; by eating, drinking, putting hands to eyes, nose, or mouth before washing after outdoor activities; by direct contact with breaks in the skin; or by inhaling particles carrying the bacteria (through mowing or blowing vegetation and excavating soil).

Typical signs of infection in humans may include fever, chills, headache, swollen and painful lymph glands, and fatigue. If tularemia is caused by the bite of an infected insect or from bacteria entering a cut or scratch, it usually causes a skin ulcer or pustule and swollen glands. Eating or drinking food or water containing the bacteria may produce a throat infection, mouth ulcers, stomach pain, diarrhea and vomiting. Inhaling the bacteria may cause an infection of the lungs with chest pain and coughing.

Tularemia can be effectively treated with antibiotics. Untreated tularemia can lead to hospitalization and may be fatal if not diagnosed and treated appropriately.