Outbreak News Today

Vietnam dengue cases top 300K in 2022

NewsDesk @bactiman63

According to the Vietnam Ministry of Health, since the beginning of the year through November 15,  303,637 dengue fever cases, including 112 fatalities have been reported.

Compared with the same period in 2021 (62,106/24),  cases increased 4.9 times, deaths increased by 88.

According to experts, dengue fever usually lasts 5-7 days, divided into 3 stages: Fever phase; severe phase and recovery phase. The severe phase begins around the time the fever is gone, usually on day 3 to day 7. This phase lasts about 24-48 hours. Patients may still have a fever or have reduced fever and may have symptoms such as: Body aches, if a lot of plasma leakage will lead to shock with signs of struggle, restlessness or lethargy.

From the 4th day onwards, the patient usually has no fever, so he can subjectively think he has recovered. However, this is the stage where the disease can progress seriously with symptoms such as abdominal pain, vomiting, bleeding (nosebleed or bleeding gums, etc.).

Dengue fever so far has no vaccine and no specific treatment, the main and effective prevention measures are killing mosquitoes, killing larva/larvae and preventing mosquito bites. In order to actively prevent disease for themselves, their families and everyone around, the Ministry of Health strongly recommends that people take the following preventive measures:

  1. Cover all water containers to prevent mosquitoes from entering and laying eggs.
  2. Carry out larval/larvae control measures weekly by placing fish in a large container of water; wash small and medium-sized water containers, turn non-water containers upside down; change the water of flower vases/cotton vases; Put salt or oil in a bowl of water to support the pantry.
  3. Weekly removal of waste materials, natural water holes that do not allow mosquitoes to lay eggs such as bottles, jars, bottle fragments, coconut shells, broken jars, old tires / tires, bamboo holes, leaf sheaths…
  4. Sleep under a mosquito net, wear long clothes to prevent mosquito bites even during the day.
  5. Actively coordinate with the health sector in chemical spraying for epidemic prevention and control.
  6. When you have a fever, immediately go to a medical facility for examination and treatment advice. Do not arbitrarily treat at home


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