Outbreak News Today

Spain: Third confirmed coronavirus case in Tenerife, Canary Islands

By Jon Bilbatua

Related to the latest news, an Italian tourist in Tenerife has been declared the third coronavirus case in Spain. The case was confirmed by Nuestra Señora de Candelaria University Hospital microbiology team and it is located in Tenerife, an island from the Canary archipelago. It’s worth remembering that first SARS-CoV-2 case was declared in Canary archipelago too; in La Gomera island.


The affected person, a physician from Italy, was on vacations in the island and came from Lombardia, northern Italy. At this moment, Lombardia is the region with highest SARS-CoV-2 case number. Previous contacts data it’s unknown or a more detailed travel history before he travelled to Tenerife.

Louis Pasteur Quote

As instructed by Spanish elaborated protocol, along the next days, a second test will be conducted in National Microbiology Center at Carlos the Third Institute, located in Madrid.

Now, the man is hospitalized and isolated in Quirón Sur private clinic in Tenerife. Tomorrow at mid-day, Canarian government will hold a press conference.

There are more suspected cases in Salamanca, Pamplona, Valencia and Oviedo. Other nine suspected cases had tested negative.

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