Outbreak News Today

Suspect hemorrhagic fever case prompts investigation in Burkina Faso: Media report

By NewsDesk  @infectiousdiseasenews

Burkina Faso opened an etiological investigation on Sunday after registering a suspected case of hemorrhagic fever from Côte d’Ivoire where a case of Ebola fever was recently identified.


 “The Ministry of Health is informing the population of the admission to the Medical Emergencies of the Bogodogo University Hospital Center (CHU-B, Ouagadougou) this Sunday, August 22, 2021 of a 22-year-old patient. The latter arrived in Burkina Faso two days ago from Niancarré / Kadiolo in the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire (RCI) ”, indicates a press release published on the department’s Facebook page.

According to the ministry, the patient with hemorrhagic fever first visited two health centers in the Plateau-central (northeast) before being received at the Bogodogo hospital.

“In view of the current health situation in the sub-region, an etiological investigation is required,” the statement added.

As a reminder, around fifty Ebola hemorrhagic fever contact cases have been identified in neighboring Côte d’Ivoire, after the detection of a positive case on August 14, 2021.

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