Outbreak News Today

Tennessee: Cool Springs Family Medicine says ‘No more vaccines’

A family practice clinic in the Nashville, Tennessee area has announced they will not be offering vaccines for patients at the clinic.

MMR vaccine/TDH
MMR vaccine/TDH

This was announced on the Cool Springs Family Medicine Practice’s blog earlier this week. The reason’s given are a laundry list of the anti-vaccine movement to include the of-debunked vaccine- autism link, the dangers of Gardasil, dangerous ingredients in vaccines and a defense of Dr Andrew Wakefield’s retracted paper from the 90s.

Dr. Daniel Kalb, MD with Cool Springs writes concerning autism:

Because they [vaccines] can cause Autism – yes, I’ve had 15 years’ experience in taking care of ASD kids, that’s a lot of vaccine injury stories from moms. Don’t tell me that they are making it up or they are just reaching for an explanation, or that it was a coincidence or that they are just too stressed, or that they are uninformed. All of those arguments are stupid.

Don’t quote the single study by the CDC that shows that MMR is not linked to Autism. One of the authors of that paper, Dr. Thompson, said that the data was falsified and the study manipulated. So, with this information and the lack of studies that prove the safety of combined vaccines, I can do no harm, so I’m out.

Outbreak News Today reached out to Paul A. Offit, MD, Director of the Vaccine Education Center and a professor of pediatrics in the Division of Infectious Diseases at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia for a statement concerning the decision:

“By unnecessarily exposing children to preventable diseases, these physicians are choosing not to serve the children they have sworn to protect, Offit notes.

“It is remarkable to me that a state licensing board or professional society has not censured them for this.” 

The philosophy of Cool Springs Family Medicine is as follows: But what if when you went to the doctor you discussed ways to avoid getting sick? What if you came away with information about natural ways to detox and augment your natural healing processes? What if you and your doctor looked at your whole family and, in turn, focused on your overall health, and not only the cause for that day’s visit?

This is our philosophy of health care. It’s different from what our patients may have been used to, but Integrative Medicine is a field that has been growing dramatically in the last 15 years and has been embraced by the biggest names in health care nationwide.



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