Outbreak News Today

Wyoming reports increases in sexually transmitted infections

NewsDesk @bactiman63

Wyoming state health officials are reporting increases in the sexually transmitted infections (STIs), chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis, encouraging prevention strategies and testing for residents.

Neisseria gonorrhoeae/CDC

Comparing 2021 reported cases with those from 2020 shows Wyoming experienced a 23.6 percent increase in chlamydia cases, a 33.5 percent increase in gonorrhea cases and a 35.5 percent increase in syphilis cases.

To date in 2022, statewide, there have been approximately 982 cases of chlamydia, 175 cases of gonorrhea and 35 cases of syphilis reported.

Dr. Alexia Harrist, state health officer and state epidemiologist with WDH, said the increased rates are unfortunate. “If left untreated, these infections can cause long-term pelvic or abdominal pain, an increased risk of getting HIV, infertility, pregnancy complications, stillbirth and infant death,” she said.

Harrist noted overall STI testing was down in 2020 and 2021 compared to previous years, resulting in potentially undiagnosed and untreated STIs in Wyoming.   

Harrist said STI prevention strategies include:

Leslie Fowler, Communicable Disease Prevention Program manager with WDH, reminded residents that testing for STIs, HIV, and viral hepatitis can be important. “While STIs sometimes make their presence known through symptoms like itching, burning, discharge or visible sores, most people have no symptoms,” she said. “Also, many people are not aware that while these infections often occur in the genitals they can also occur in the throat and rectum so it’s important to ask your provider about extra-genital or three-site testing to identify these infections, as all untreated STIs can have serious health consequences.”

“We always say, the only way to know your STI status, for sure, is to get tested,” Fowler said.


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