Outbreak News Today

Measles and the MMR vaccine

By NewsDesk  @infectiousdiseasenews

Earlier this month, the World Health Organization released some astounding preliminary information concerning measles during the first half of the year.

In the first six months of 2019, reported measles cases are the highest they have been in any year since 2006. There have been almost three times as many cases reported to date in 2019 as there were at this same time last year, about 350,000.

Right here at home, we have seen the greatest number of cases reported in the U.S. since 1992 and since measles was declared eliminated in 2000.

The majority of cases are among people who were not vaccinated against measles.

Joining me today to talk about measles and the MMR vaccine is the Vaccine Mom, Taryn Chapman.

To see and read more of Taryn’s work, please visit:

The Vaccine Mom website

The Vaccine Mom Facebook page

The Vaccine Mom YouTube channel



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