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The Victoria Department of Health reports a new case of measles has been identified in a returned overseas traveller. There have been a total of 4 cases of measles identified in Victoria since the beginning of the year.

The case attended a single public exposure site in Melbourne on 20 September 2023 while infectious, listed in the table below:

Date & time Location Monitor for onset of symptoms up to
Wednesday, 20 September 2023

5:00pm – 7:00pm

Woolworths Melbourne Square (Southbank), Shop 1/10 Hoff Bvd, Southbank VIC 3006 Sunday, 8 October 2023


Anyone who attended the listed exposure site during the specified date and time should monitor for symptoms and seek medical care if symptoms develop.


Anyone who presents with signs and symptoms compatible with measles should be tested and notified to the Department of Health. There should be an especially high level of suspicion if they have travelled overseas or visited any the site listed above and are unvaccinated or partially vaccinated for measles.

Any person born during or since 1966 and who does not have documented evidence of receiving two doses of a measles-containing vaccine or does not have documented evidence of immunity, is at risk.

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Unvaccinated infants are at particularly high risk of contracting measles. Infants as young as six months of age can receive MMR vaccine prior to travel overseas to countries where measles is endemic, or where measles outbreaks are occurring. The first dose of MMR vaccine is usually given at 12 months of age as part of the National Immunisation Program Schedule (NIP). If an infant receives an early dose of MMR vaccine (e.g. at 8 months) prior to travelling overseas, they are still required to receive their routine 12 month and 18 months doses in line with the NIP schedule. MMR vaccine is free for infants aged 6 to 12 months travelling to measles affected areas.


Young infants, pregnant women and people with a weakened immune system are at increased risk of serious complications from measles.