Today, Nigeria will launch a yellow fever vaccination campaign where more than 25 million people will be vaccinated throughout 2018, in the largest yellow fever vaccination drive in the country’s history. The...

Researchers have developed a universal vaccine to combat influenza A viruses that produces long-lasting immunity in mice and protects them against the limitations of seasonal flu vaccines, according to...

UAlberta researchers created a new synthetic virus that could lead to the development of a more effective vaccine against smallpox. The discovery demonstrates how techniques based on the use of synthetic...

Yesterday, GeoVax Labs, Inc. announced the publication of its manuscript entitled “A Single-Dose of Modified Vaccinia Ankara Expressing Ebola Virus Like Particles Protects Nonhuman Primates from Lethal...

The number of suspected cases of diphtheria reported from Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh has risen to 3,954, including 31 deaths since early Nov. 2017, prompting a massive vaccination effort among Rohingya...

GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) announced Friday it has received approval from the US Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research expanding the indication for FLUARIX® QUADRIVALENT...

During the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) update of the influenza situation in the US to date on Friday, the issue of vaccines was a major topic.  Director, Influenza Division, National...

Two vaccines that the World Health Organization lists as priority vaccines for prequalification and that are made by Chinese vaccine manufacturers – bivalent Oral Poliomyelitis Vaccine (bOPV) and hepatitis...

In a follow-up on the cholera outbreak in Zambia, health officials, with help from WHO and partners, commenced a cholera vaccination campaign today to vaccinate residents of Lusaka. Two million doses...

Repeated vaccination for influenza in older adults reduced the severity of the virus and reduced hospital admissions, found new research published in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal) A team...