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The Yucatan Ministry of Health reports a 157 percent increase in Chagas disease through April 1, reporting 18 cases during this period, up from seven during the same period in 2022.

The Triatoma or “kissing” bug.

Specialists point out that Yucatan is one of the three states in Mexico with the highest incidence of this disease, considered one of the neglected tropical diseases, and that the increase has gone hand in hand with urban growth in rural areas.

At the national level there are 211 confirmed cases of this condition, which is present in 24 states. The increase is 34.4 percent compared to 2022 when 157 were reported.

The highest incidence is recorded in Veracruz, with 41 cases, followed by Nuevo León, with 19, Yucatán, with 18, and Guanajuato, with 13.

Chagas disease in the Americas in numbers:

  • The disease is endemic in 21 countries in the region.
  • About 70 million people live at risk of contracting the disease in the region through the bite of an insect vector that transmits Chagas.
  • 7 out of 10 people who have Chagas are unaware of their condition
  • More than 10,000 people die each year due to clinical complications of the disease.
  • Chagas disease is almost 100% curable if treated in its initial, acute stage.
  • Between 2 and 8% of pregnant women infected with Chagas disease can transmit it to their babies.
  • All 21 endemic countries maintain universal screening of blood donors
  • The average prevalence of blood bank donors detected with Chagas in Latin America is 0.2%