By NewsDesk  @bactiman63 Cryptococcus gattii is a fungus that lives in the environment in primarily tropical and sub-tropical areas of the world but also in some temperate regions such as British Columbia...

Cryptococcal meningitis causes about one in ten HIV-related deaths, according to a study of autopsies performed in Mozambique and Brazil and coordinated by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal),...

In what is being described as “The Teddy Roosevelt effect,” a deadly fungus in the Pacific Northwest may have arrived from Brazil via the Panama Canal, according to a new study led by the Translational...

Large populations of potentially deadly cryptococcal fungi have been found on woody debris collected from old trees in two public areas in the centre of Cape Town and the Northern Cape, South Africa. After...

Health officials in Quebec, Canada believe they have detected the 1st autochthonous human case of Cryptococcus gattii infection in Eastern Canada in a Montreal woman. According to the case report,...

Bacterial and viral are the more prevalent and commonly discussed forms of meningitis, but one infectious disease expert at the University of Alabama at Birmingham says fungal meningitis stemming from...

Since the research published last week about this lethal strain of fungus in PLoS Pathogens last week, there has been a plethora of media attention concerning the yeast, Cryptococcus gattii. Here I’d...