Rio de Janeiro has not seen so few dengue fever cases for the beginning of the year since 2000, when records were kept,  according to data from the Municipal Health Department. In January 2021, only...

By NewsDesk  @bactiman63 The Rio de Janeiro State Department of Health (SES) reported a significant drop in dengue fever cases in 2020, to some surprise. According to the SES 2019 survey, there were...

By NewsDesk   @bactiman63 The city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil has reported a dramatic increase in chikungunya cases in 2019 during the first 11 months of 2019. To date, 37,973 cases of chikungunya have...

The State of Rio registered 36,102 cases of chikungunya in the period from January to November 13 this year, according to a G1 Globo report (computer translated). Of these patients, 16 died with complications...

The number of chikungunya cases in reported in Rio de Janeiro state during the first quarter of 2018 is nearly triple the number seen during the same period last year, according to a report...

Since the beginning of the yellow fever outbreak in Brazil in December 2016, health officials have reported 2,210 cases of yellow fever, with 604 being laboratory confirmed. Of this number, 302 deaths...