NewsDesk @bactiman63 Local public health officials have confirmed a measles infection in an infant residing in Snohomish County. The person is believed to have been infected with measles during travel...

By NewsDesk  @bactiman63 Cryptococcus gattii is a fungus that lives in the environment in primarily tropical and sub-tropical areas of the world but also in some temperate regions such as British Columbia...

By NewsDesk  @infectiousdiseasenews In a follow-up to the announcement yesterday of the additional possible instance of COVID-19 community transmission in California, cases were reported in both Washington...

The Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) is reporting that a two-year-old Andalusian mixed breed mare in Grandview is the first horse in Washington to contract West Nile virus this year. The...


NEWS RELEASE PULLMAN, Wash. – A fungus found in semiarid parts of the Southwest that sometimes launches a lethal illness has been identified for the first time in Washington state soil, leading public...