By NewsDesk  @infectiousdiseasenews 

The Ukrainian Information Service reports (computer translated) two cases of foodborne botulism in the Podolsky district of the Odessa region.

Image/Robert Herriman

According to the report, five people had the meal of smoked fish, home-cooked silver carp, in which  a husband and wife couple contracted the intoxication. The status of the patients is not reported.

Laboratory diagnosis was confirmed by the Odessa Regional Laboratory Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

Food borne botulism is a severe intoxication caused by eating the preformed toxin present in contaminated food.

Food borne botulism occurs when the bacterium Clostridium botulinum is allowed to grow and produce toxin in food that is later eaten without sufficient heating or cooking to inactivate the toxin. Botulinum toxin is one of the most potent neurotoxins known.

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Typically in a few hours to several days after you eat the contaminated food you will start to show the classic symptoms; blurred vision, dry mouth, and difficulty in swallowing.

Gastrointestinal symptoms may or may not occur. If untreated, the paralysis always descends through the body starting at the shoulders and working its way down.