In a follow-up on the mumps outbreak at the Cedar Hill High School, Dallas County health officials report 27 associated mumps cases between students and teachers in Cedar Hill High School. Not all cases are Dallas County residents.

Dallas County, TX map Image/David Benbennick via Wikimedia Commons
Dallas County, TX map
Image/David Benbennick via Wikimedia Commons

This accounts for eight out of 10 of the 33 mumps cases reported in Dallas County. The other six cases, which are unrelated to the school outbreak, have been reported in Mesquite and Dallas.

The Dallas County Health and Human Services (DCHHS) is urging immunization to protect against and prevent the spread of mumps. People who have had two mumps vaccinations (such as two MMR vaccines) are usually considered immune from mumps. A third dose of the MMR vaccine is only recommended by the CDC when an individual is associated with an ongoing outbreak.

“At two doses, the MMR vaccine has 88% effectiveness,” said Dr. Christopher Perkins, Dallas County medical director/health authority. “Getting vaccinated is the best option for protection in addition to washing hands frequently and cleaning/disinfecting objects or surfaces that may be contaminated with germs.”

DCHHS provides the MMR vaccine for children and adults at the main clinic located at 2377 N. Stemmons Frwy in Dallas, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.