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Haiti’s Ministère de la Santé Publique et de la Population reported 207 confirmed cholera cases since October 2, when the first cases were reported in the country in three years.

Public domain image/Dartmouth

Officials also report 41 deaths due to cholera.

The Ouest Department continues to report the highest number of cases, with 97% of all nearly 2,000 suspected cases recorded (excluding the 271 suspected cases from the Port-au-Prince prison). The communes of Cité-Soleil and Port-au-Prince account for 80% of all suspected cases reported in the Ouest Department.

The Pan American Health Organization notes the s outbreak occurs in a context of a complex humanitarian and security crisis in Port-au-Prince and neighboring cities, where access to health and
laboratory services and, therefore, epidemiological surveillance could be affected.

Dominican Republic reports first case of confirmed cholera

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