The mumps cluster on the campus of Louisiana State University (LSU) has grown to 26 cases as of Wednesday, according to state health officials.

Infographic aimed at college students depicting symptoms of mumps and steps they can take to protect themselves.
Infographic aimed at college students depicting symptoms of mumps and steps they can take to protect themselves.

In addition, a case was reported in the Baton Rouge area separate from the campus.

The LSU Student Health Center advises students with swollen and tender salivary glands under the ears or jaw on one or both sides of the face should seek care at the Student Health Center or with their primary care provider as soon as possible. The Student Health Center is open Monday through Friday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM, and Saturday 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM.  Call 225/ 578-6271 for more information.

Faculty and staff with signs or symptoms of possible mumps should contact their private healthcare provider for a clinical evaluation as soon as possible.

The Louisiana Department of Health says mumps is a contagious diseases caused by a virus. It spreads easily through coughing and sneezing. There is no treatment for mumps, and it can cause long-term health problems. The best way to protect against mumps is to get the measles-mumps-rubella shot (called the MMR shot).

Statewide, Louisiana has reported 30 mumps cases to date.
