The issue of vaccines and measles continue to dominate the health headlines; however, another infectious disease and vaccine-related topic has risen in terms of attention and that’s meningococcal meningitis.

Video Screen Shot/Meningitis Angels
Video Screen Shot/Meningitis Angels

A number of American and Canadian universities to include the University of Oregon, Yale University, Providence College, Marquette University and Acadia University in Nova Scotia have all seen cases of bacterial or meningococcal meningitis, and in some schools multiple cases have been reported.

A number of these cases have been confirmed as the meningitis B strain.

Joining me on yesterday’s Outbreak News This Week radio show to discuss the cases, the new meningitis B vaccines and the wonderful work of the organization, Meningitis Angels, was the Founder/National Executive Director of Meningitis Angels, Frankie Milley.

Mrs Milley talked about the work of Meningitis Angels, her upcoming testimony with the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) and her own personal tragedy with losing her teenage son to this devastating disease.

Check out Meningitis Angels latest PSA HERE

You can also visit the Meningitis Angels website for more information on meningitis and ways you can help and support this worthy cause. Follow them on Twitter @MeningitisAngel

In the second half of the show I talked to Science and Health journalist, Tara Haelle about her interesting article published in Forbes that looks at the financial and manpower costs of measles: Measles Outbreak in Dollars and Cents: It Costs Taxpayers Bigtime.

Listen to the podcast below:

The Outbreak News This Week Radio Show airs every Sunday at 5 pm ET in the Tampa Bay area on AM 860The Answer and online HERE

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