In a follow-up to the University of Missouri mumps outbreak, the Student Health Center reports that since the beginning of the Fall semester, 334 cases of mumps have been identified (both confirmed and probable) in Mizzou students.


Most of the students are reporting associations with friends who have mumps, Greek organizations or interactions in local bars. The median age is 20 years and cases are almost evenly split between males and females. All infected students met the immunization policy requirement of two Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) vaccines.

As of February 7, more than 2,325 students have received a third MMR. With the Spring semester beginning, it’s important for students to review the prevention tips below in order to help reduce illness and spread.

Student health announced in an effort to control the mumps outbreak, there will be a FREE MMR vaccination (limited supply) event on Feb. 15-17 from 10 am – 6 pm in the north tower of the Memorial Union’s second floor.
