The freelance NBC cameraman who contracted Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) will be treated for the lethal viral disease at the Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, according to a hospital officials in a press release (WATCH).

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Image/Video Screen Shot

Ashoka Mukpo, is scheduled to fly out of Monrovia, Liberia, on Sunday and arrive Monday morning at the Nebraska Medical Center’s biocontainment unit.

This will be the second Ebola patient Nebraska experts will treat. 10 days ago, SIM USA physician, Dr. Rick Sacra was released from the Medical Center after being tested as Ebola-free.

The med center’s team of 40-plus nurses, respiratory therapists and care techs is excited to get another patient, said Rosanna Morris, the hospital’s chief operating officer. “I think their confidence level has been boosted given the experience that we had …. They’re ready to go.”

The Nebraska Medical Center 10-bed biocontainment unit is the largest facility of its kind in the nation and is uniquely qualified to care for patients with Ebola and other infectious diseases.