By NewsDesk   @bactiman63


Seven additional wild poliovirus type 1 (WPV1) cases were reported in the past week in Pakistan–from Sindh and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa provinces–bringing the total year-to date to 101.

Poliovirus Image/CDC

In 2018 at this time, Pakistan saw only nine cases.

Violence continues to affect polio vaccination efforts in Pakistan. A suicide bombing was reported in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s Lakki Marwat district on Thursday with speculation rife over the possible target being a polio vaccination team. Fortunately, the suicide bomber was the only casualty.

In addition, a health worker was tortured in Sillanwali police limits. A health team was administering polio drops door-to-door to the children in Chak 125/NB SillanwalI when the workers knocked at the door one individual who got infuriated and severely tortured a health worker after snatching the vaccine bag and threw it into nearby bushes.


In addition to the cases in Pakistan, neighboring Afghanistan– the second of three remaining polio endemic countries–two WPV1 cases were reported in the past week, from Uruzgan and Baghlan provinces, bringing the total number of WPV1 cases reported in 2019 to 24.

Globally, 125 WPV1 cases have been reported, more than four times as many cases as 2018 at this time (30).

Circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus

A number of  circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus (vDPV) cases were reported from Pakistan, Angola, Chad and Ghana. The total cVDPV cases reported in 2019 is now up to 241. At this time in 2018, 104 cases were reported.