The incidence of dengue fever in southeast Asia continues to be high in a number of the countries, including Thailand and Malaysia.

Aedes aegypti/CDC
Aedes aegypti/CDC

The Department of Epidemiology in Thailand puts the total case count through Mar. 28 at 13,411 in all 77 provinces. Three additional dengue related fatalities were reported in the past week bringing the total to 8.

While Bangkok has reported the highest morbidity for most of the year, Rayong now reports the highest at 55.75 / 100,000 population. This is followed closely by Bangkok and then Samutsakorn, Nakornpathom and Phuket.

In 2015, Thailand saw more than 140,000 dengue cases total.

In neighboring Malaysia to the south, the numbers are even more dramatic.

From the beginning of the year through Mar. 28, 35,586 dengue cases were reported. The provinces reporting the most include Selangor (18,482), Johor (5,125) and WP Kuala Lumpur (2,227).

To date, Malaysia has reported 85 dengue fatalities.

In 20115, Malaysia reported more than 120,000 dengue cases.
