Clark County health officials reported an additional six confirmed measles cases Saturday, bringing the outbreak total to 59 since the beginning of the year. One suspected case is still under investigation.


Three of the total cases were adults and all the cases were either unvaccinated (52), undervaccinated (2) or unverified (5).

People who visited the following locations may have been exposed to measles and may be at risk of contracting the measles:

  • The Vancouver Clinic Salmon Creek, 2525 NE 139th St., Vancouver, from 7 to 10 pm Thursday, Feb. 14, and from 10:30 am to 3:45 pm Friday, Feb. 15.
  • Sea Mar Medical Clinic East Vancouver, 19005 SE 34th St., Vancouver from 1:50 to 5:50 pm Tuesday, Feb. 5.

In a follow-up on the status of HB 1638, Promoting immunity against vaccine preventable diseases in the Washington legislature, the House Committee on Health Care & Wellness on Friday passed the bill to ban the personal or philosophical exemption for the vaccine against measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) for school-age children amid an outbreak of the virus, according to the Seattle Times.

“The measles vaccine isn’t perfect, but one dose is 93 percent effective at preventing illness,” said Dr. Alan Melnick, Clark County health officer and Public Health director. “The recommended two doses of the measles vaccine provide even greater protection – 97 percent.”