By NewsDesk  @bactiman63

The Brazil Ministry of Health reported Wednesday eclipsing the 300,000 mark concerning COVID-19 deaths, the second country to reach this number (United States).

On Friday, health officials reported 84,245 additional cases, bringing the country total to 12,404,414. 10,824,095 people have recovered and the death toll stands at 307,112.

The Minister of Health, Marcelo Queiroga, met this Friday with the representative of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO / WHO) in Brazil, Socorro Gross, to align the actions to combat the pandemic of the COVID -19. Queiroga reaffirmed the commitment to strengthen the Unified Health System (SUS) to strengthen the fight against the pandemic, with the expansion of vaccination and the acquisition of medicines and supplies.

Queiroga announced this week the creation of a special secretariat to combat the pandemic and the acceleration of the vaccination campaign against the COVID-19 in Brazil. According to the minister, the focus is to monitor closely and continuously the actions to fight the disease in all sectors and expand the daily capacity of immunization in the country.

“Our country has the National Immunization Program (PNI), recognized worldwide. Now, with the pandemic, the determination of the President of the Republic is to increase the number of vaccines. Today, we invest 300,000 per day. The Ministry of Health is committed, in the short term, to increase this rate of vaccination three times to 1 million vaccines every day. It is a plausible goal,” he said.