In a follow-up to the norovirus outbreak that sickened 150 passengers and crew on Celebrity Cruises’ Celebrity Equinox Feb. 13 – 23 voyage, some passengers have given props to the crew for how they handled the situation.


Two passengers who commented on this website said the following:

El writes, We were on this cruise. This was quickly contained and all measures were taken to prevent it’s spread. We did not get sick. Keep in mind that any passenger could have pick up the virus from any raw fruit or vegetables that they ate while in any port of call.

The crew worked extra time and extra hard to keep us safe. I will cruise again with Celebrity because they go the extra mile for their passengers.

Another passenger, Peter said, I was on Equinox on that trip and I did not get sick But I can say that you can feel safe. The did a really good job when the people got sick. The persons that got sick had to stay in there room for 24 hours and got good medical help. The crew kept everything clean and did a perfect job. There is nothing to complain about.

Norovirus is a highly contagious viral illness that often goes by other names, such as viral gastroenteritisstomach flu, and food poisoning.

The symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and some stomach cramping. Sometimes people additionally have a low-grade fever, chills, headache, muscle aches, and a general sense of tiredness. The illness often begins suddenly, and the infected person may feel very sick. In most people, the illness is self-limiting with symptoms lasting for about 1 or 2 days. In general, children experience more vomiting than adults do.

Norovirus is spread person to person particularly in crowded, closed places. Norovirus is typically spread through contaminated food and water, touching surfaces or objects contaminated with norovirus and then putting your hand or fingers in your mouth and close contact with someone who is vomiting or hasdiarrhea.

Norovirus causes more than 20 million illnesses annually, and it is the leading cause of gastroenteritis outbreaks in the United States.

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