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During the week ending August 28, the Costa Rica Ministry of Health reported 15,367 cases of COVID-19, which represents an increase of 21.8% from week to week, compared to the week ending August 21 (12,608).

Image/Portugal MOH

Regarding deaths, the week of August 15 to 21, it accounted for 105 deaths, while, from August 22 to 28, we added 127 deaths, this represents a 20% increase in mortality from one week to another and we gives a daily average of 18 people who lose their lives related to COVID-19 disease.

The average number of hospitalized cases two weeks ago was 988, while the average for last week was 1,086 admitted cases, showing a 9% increase in total hospitalizations.

Concerning side effects from the COVID-19 vaccine (Events Supposedly Attributable to Vaccination and Immunization (ESAVI)), the health ministry reports only 0.2% of people vaccinated against COVID-19 reported a possible side effect– headache, disorders at the point of application or local pain, fever or low-grade fever, fatigue or tiredness and muscle aches the most frequent.

The National Center for Pharmacovigilance as of July 30, 2021 analyzed a total of 5,015 ESAVI notifications with the Pfizer vaccine and 2,133 ESAVI notifications with AstraZeneca. Among the most reported reactions with the Pfizer vaccine are disorders of the nervous system (mostly headache), followed by disorders at the point of application (local pain), general disorders (fever / low-grade fever) as well as disorders of the skin (rash / rash). For the AstraZeneca vaccine, headache is also the most common reaction to occur, followed by fever or low-grade fever, disorders of the musculoskeletal system (myalgia) and general disorder (pain).