Since August 2018, an Ebola Virus Disease outbreak has raged in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, their 10th outbreak and the 2nd largest ever.

Earlier this week the disease spilled over into neighboring Uganda.

Joining me to discuss this and other topics related to Ebola is Mark Kortepeter, MD, Dr Kortepeter is a Professor of Epidemiology at the University of Nebraska College of Public Health and Lead, Special Pathogens Research Network.

Related podcasts:

Flashback: Discussing the West Africa Ebola outbreak (Circa 2014)

Ebola: Safe and dignified burials

Medical history: Vaccines and Immunity

Global anthrax maps with Jason Blackburn, PhD

History of Bioterrorism with Dr Lawrence Roberge

Bacteriophages and ‘The Perfect Predator’

Rhodesia’s top secret use of chemical and biological weapons: An interview with Dr Glenn Cross

Chikungunya: An interview with Dr Roger Nasci

Raccoon roundworm: The rare and potentially lethal zoonosis

Vaccines: How they work and some common misconceptions

The story behind the Toxic Shock Syndrome outbreak investigation of the late 70s-early 80s

Intro music: “Rapture” by Ross Bugden