There were more imported, or travel associated cases of chikungunya and dengue fever in the State of Florida reported during the past week, according to the Florida Department of Health.

Aedes mosquito
Aedes aegypti image/CDC

Six cases of dengue fever were reported this week in persons that had international travel, bringing the total imported cases to 60 so far in 2014.

In addition, fourteen cases of chikungunya fever were reported this week in persons that had international travel. In 2014, 252 travel-associated cases have been reported.

No new local transmission of chikungunya or dengue were reported. These numbers remain at 11 indigenous chikungunya cases and five indigenous dengue fever cases.

State health officials also say there were two new human West Nile virus (WNV) cases reported during the past week. The new cases were reported from Pasco and Polk counties. To date, a total of seven human cases of WNV illness acquired in Florida have been reported in 2014; two in Escambia (July, August), one in Duval (August), one in 2 Leon (August), one in Pasco (August), one in Polk (September) and one in Volusia (August) Counties.

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