A little over a month after Spanish priest, Miguel Pajares died from Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) after being airlifted to Madrid for treatment, a second priest has died from the lethal virus.


Father Manuel García Viejo died Thursday after having been under care for the past four days in Madrid’s Carlos III Hospital, according to an El Mundo report today (computer translated).

The 70-year-old native of Folgoso de la Ribera (León) contracted the virus the disease in Sierra Leone, where for the past 12 years he had been medical director of San Juan de Dios Hospital in Lunsar.

Viejo was transported to Spain on Monday. He arrived already in grave condition, according to the report.

García Viejo could not receive the drug ZMapp that had been given to the priest Miguel Pajares in August, since supplies were exhausted. He received supportive treatment during his final days in Spain. For more infectious disease news and information, visit and “like” the Infectious Disease News Facebook page