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During the first three months of 2022 (through April 4), Singapore officials have reported 3,344 dengue fever cases, a more than 60 percent increase compared to the same period in 2021.

This prompted the National Environment Agency (NEA) to launch the annual National Dengue Prevention Campaign. The National Dengue Prevention Campaign aims to rally the community to take immediate action to reduce dengue cases, by highlighting areas that are at higher risk and the health consequences of dengue.

The NEA reported an expected surge in cases this year. The surge in dengue cases this year is caused by three key factors: (i) high Aedes aegypti mosquito population detected in the community; (ii) previously uncommon Dengue virus serotype 3 (DENV-3) circulating; and (iii) sizeable proportion of people still staying in and working from home.

Aedes aegypti merchandise

The Aedes aegypti mosquito population in the community is about 17 per cent higher compared to in the same period last year (February 2021). More cases of the previously uncommon DENV-3 have also been detected in large dengue clusters across the island. Many people are still staying in and working from home, which could translate to more biting opportunities for the day-biting Aedes aegypti mosquito, and thus potentially higher risk of dengue transmission.

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The warmer months from June to October usually see higher dengue transmission in Singapore, due to accelerated development of the Aedes mosquito vector and faster multiplication of the Dengue virus in mosquitoes. As NEA expects a surge in the number of dengue cases in the coming months, it is critical that all residents and stakeholders take immediate action to suppress the Aedes mosquito population and break disease transmission. Concerted community action and sustained vector control efforts will prevent further escalation of dengue cases.