The number of travel-associated Zika virus cases in Florida has risen to 24 with the addition of two more cases from Miami-Dade County, Florida Health officials reported today.

Aedes aegypti/CDC
Aedes aegypti/CDC

The county-by-county tally is as follows: Alachua (1), Brevard (1), Broward (4), Hillsborough (3), Lee (3), Miami-Dade (9), Osceola (1), Santa Rosa (1) and St. Johns (1).

State health officials say all cases are travel-associated. There have been no locally-acquired cases of Zika in Florida. None of the confirmed cases involve pregnant women.

As of last Friday, the countries of origin where the Zika cases had a travel history include: Brazil, Colombia (3), Costa Rica, El Salvador, Haiti (5), Honduras (3), Honduras/Guatemala, Puerto Rico (2), and Venezuela (4).

Through Wednesday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports 84 travel-associated Zika virus disease cases from 21 states and the District of Columbia.

Travelers to a tropical or sub-tropical area (Africa, Asia, Caribbean, Mexico, Central and South America), can protect themselves from Zika and other mosquito-borne diseases by following these prevention suggestions: Use insect repellant, cover skin with long-sleeved shirts and long pants and keep mosquitoes out of hotel rooms.
