Officials in Kyrgyzstan are reporting an anthrax outbreak in the At-Bashinsky district of the Naryn region in eastern Kyrgyzstan, according to a local media account (computer translated).

Currently, three people are in the hospital, another 15 are under medical supervision.

Doctors say the individuals contracted the dangerous bacterial infection cutting animal carcass. About 10 days later, the appearance of skin ulcers on the hands and forearms were noted.


“This disease is curable, it is treated with usual antibiotics, it is simply included in the list of especially dangerous infections according to World Health Organization classifications.” The main sources of infection are animals, “said Sabyrzhan Abdykaimov, director of the republican center for quarantine and especially dangerous infections.

There is a possibility that the meat of an infected animal has got to the markets. According to some reports, a batch of an infectious contaminated product may be on the market of the city of Tokmak. However, investigators are getting conflicting stories.

Anthrax is a serious infectious disease caused by gram-positive, rod-shaped bacteria known as Bacillus anthracis. Anthrax can be found naturally in soil and commonly affects domestic and wild animals around the world. Although it is rare, people can get sick with anthrax if they come in contact with infected animals or contaminated animal products

Cutaneous  anthrax occurs when the spore (or possibly the bacterium) enters a cut or abrasion on the skin. It starts out as a raised bump that looks like an insect bite. It then develops into a blackened lesion called an eschar that may form a scab. Lymph glands in the area may swell plus edema may be present. This form of anthrax responds well to antibiotics. If untreated, deaths can occur if the infection goes systemic. 95% of cases of anthrax are cutaneous.

Related: Anthrax: An interview with Dr Buddy Faries
