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The Argentina Ministry of Health reported that during the current dengue and other arboviruses season starting July 31, 2022 through May 14, 2023, 100,675 cases of dengue were registered in Argentina, of which 93,844 are autochthonous.

Aedes mosquito
Aedes aegypti image/CDC

Regarding the spatial distribution, 17 jurisdictions have confirmed the autochthonous circulation of dengue: all those in the Central region (Buenos Aires, CABA, Córdoba, Entre Ríos, Santa Fe); all those in the NOA region (Catamarca, Jujuy, La Rioja, Salta, Santiago del Estero and Tucumán); all of the NEA region, except Misiones (Chaco, Corrientes and Formosa), the provinces of San Luis and Mendoza in the Cuyo region and La Pampa in the South region.

The province of La Pampa notified the first case of autochthonous dengue in the town of Santa Isabel, department of Chalileo.

Argentina merchandise

89 cases without travel history were reported in the province of Misiones, the which were characterized by the jurisdiction as isolated cases associated with imported cases.

Eight out of 10 cases serotyped were DENV-2, while 18% are DENV-1.

57 cases were notified to the National Health Surveillance System as deceased (fatality of 0.06%).

Aedes aegypti merchandise