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By NewsDesk  @infectiousdiseasenews

According to the Brazil Ministry of Health, the first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine has already reached 29.8% of the eligible population in Brazil.

Image by Alexandra_Koch from Pixabay

There are 47.6 million Brazilians vaccinated with the first dose, out of the 160 million with a vaccinable profile in the National Plan for the Operationalization of Vaccination against Covid-19 (PNO).

Among those vaccinated with the first dose, 22.7 million have already received the second dose of the vaccine.

Brazil reached an important milestone that demonstrates progress in the national vaccination campaign against Covid-19: the Ministry of Health surpassed 100 million doses distributed throughout Brazil. This week, over 6.5 million doses are sent to states and the Federal District from last Wednesday.

Of the total doses distributed:

  • 52 million were from AstraZeneca/Oxford/Fiocruz vaccine;
  • 47.1 million from Coronavac/Butantan, and
  • 3.5 million of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine.

The forecast is that, in June, the Ministry of Health will receive approximately 40 million doses of Covid-19 vaccines from the laboratories. Until now, May was the month with the largest distribution since the beginning of the national campaign, with the sending of more than 33 million doses of vaccines  throughout the country.