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The Brazil Ministry of Health is warning the public of the importance of combating the Aedes aegypti mosquito as dengue fever cases rise in the country in the first months of 2022.


Data from the latest Epidemiological Bulletin, published by the Ministry of Health point to a 35.4% increase in dengue cases in the first two months of this year compared to 2021. According to the report, 30 deaths and 128,379 cases were recorded.

The document also presents a 17.5% reduction in chikungunya cases (9,555) and an 11.5% increase in Zika cases (756). All three diseases are transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito.

Among the municipalities that most recorded probable cases of dengue, Goiânia (GO) is the one with the highest incidence, with 13,608 occurrences, followed by Brasília (DF), with 8,572 cases, Palmas (TO), with 6,497, Sinop (MT), 2,754 cases, and Aparecida de Goiânia (GO), with 2,199 cases.

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The coordinator of Arbovirus Surveillance of the Ministry of Health, Cássio Peterka, reiterates that the main action to combat Aedes aegypti is to reduce the outbreaks of standing water. “When we work to reduce these stagnant water sources, we also reduce the number of cases. We do campaigns and we get in touch with states to do their awareness campaigns,” he warns.

He explains that, due to the restrictions imposed by the pandemic, the door-to-door work of community agents was only resumed in the second half of 2021. With that, Pasta implemented new methodologies, including a new ant killer of biological origin, the larvicide Espinosade , for the treatment of possible mosquito breeding sites. In 2021, 57.7 million inserts were distributed and, in 2022, 12.8 million have already been distributed.

With high temperatures and rainy periods, the expectation of the number of breeding sites increases. The Ministry of Health recalls that in order to effectively control the proliferation of the mosquito, it is necessary to take at least ten minutes out of just one day of the week to check the roof, clogged gutters, swimming pool, bottles, tires and other items that may be breeding grounds.

Even in places that need to store water, it is important not to leave the reservoirs uncovered to prevent the mosquito from laying eggs in these waters.

The Ministry continues to work with states and municipalities to intensify home visits and identify outbreaks. When feeling fever, body pain, the recommendation is that the patient seek the health units closest to home, for care and identification of the case of dengue or another arbovirus.