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The Bolivia Ministry of Health and Sports reports 419 additional dengue fever cases today, bringing the outbreak total to 9,328.

Santa Cruz department accounts for 75 percent of the cases with 7,022.

29 dengue related deaths have been reported.







The Ministry of Health and Sports set up Wednesday afternoon a mobile hospital with 40 beds and 90 doctors from the Safci-Mi Salud program to optimize the care of patients with Dengue in a way that avoid saturation of health centers in the city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra.

“By instruction of President Luis Are, we are today with the installation of this mobile hospital to reinforce epidemiological surveillance, timely detection of the disease and care for patients with dengue,” said the National Director of Epidemiology, Freddy Armijo.

The Health official said that care will be from 08:00 a.m. to 06:00 p.m. and staff on duty 24 hours a day, stressed that it has the capacity to care for 60 patients per hour.

Hours before, the Minister of Health and Sports, Jeyson Auza, from Sucre reported that in that campaign hospital the Safci doctors will attend services of General Medicine, Pediatric Medicine, Internal Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, to patients with Dengue and all for free. 

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Auza explained that this mobile hospital that is located in the Centro Mi Salud District 8 neighborhood July 7 in the Plan 3,000 area, has an Air Conditioning System, 40 stretchers with complete accessories, sinks, water system, bathrooms, showers and Electrical system, all duly implemented for the care of people affected by the disease.

Both authorities agreed in pointing out that this hospital will be at the service of the population during the duration of the disease since it is stationary.