By NewsDesk  @infectiousdiseasenews

Approximately 12,000 additional measles cases have been reported in the worlds largest outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in the past two weeks.


Through October 20, officials report 222,939 measles cases, up from 209,211 cases on Oct. 6. In addition, the measles fatalities have risen to 4,435, more than double the deaths reported in the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreak (2185).

Overall, 50% of cases reported in 2019 have been notified from the provinces of Tshopo, Kasai, haut Lomami, Kwilu and South Ubangi. In total, 230 (44%) of the 519 health zones across the country have reported a confirmed measles outbreak.

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In addition to measles and EVD outbreaks, DRC is also battling outbreaks of chikungunya, cholera, monkeypox and bubonic plague.


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