By NewsDesk  @infectiousdiseasenews

The Africa CDC released the following statement Saturday on the case of an Ebola Virus Disease in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire:

Côte d’Ivoire

The Government of Republic of Côte d’Ivoire has declared the presence of a case of an Ebola virus disease (EVD) infection in the capital city of Abidjan. The case is 18-year-old Guinean girl who travelled from Labe in Guinea to Abidjan by road on 11August 2021 and hospitalized on the night of 12 August 2021 following a high-grade fever. On the 14th of August 2021, the Institute Pasteur in Cote d’Ivoire confirmed the infection to be EVD. The patient is currently in isolation and under the care of a Treatment Center for Highly Epidemic Diseases at the Treichville University Hospital.

More recently, on 19 June 2021, the Republic of Guinea declared over the EVD outbreak after four months of concerted effort.  However, further investigation will be conducted to trace back the relation between this case and the concluded outbreak.

“In this recent past outbreak in Guinea, Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) assessed and supported neighboring countries including Cote d’Ivoire in preparation for and response to potential spill over of cases. We witnessed the experience, expertise and resources in place in these countries to handle such incidents. However, as this case is reported in a busy capital city of Abidjan, Africa CDC is already in contact with senior health officials of the country to assess the situation and offer its expertise” said Dr John Nkengasong, the Africa CDC Director.

Ebola image/NIAID

Following this confirmed case, the Minister of Health and Public Hygiene and the Office of the Prime Minister called for an emergency meeting and put in place a swift multi-sectoral emergency response measures. These public health measures include: activation of different inter-sectoral coordination and emergency response units; reactivation of the community surveillance of the Ebola response; further investigation of the case, contact tracing; risk communication and community mobilization, immediate vaccination of target groups, strict adherence to infection prevention and control measures; and enhanced cross-border surveillance and collaboration with neighboring countries.

In response to this new EVD case, the African Union Commission has been informed of the outbreak and is ready to offer a comprehensive support of all AU organs. The Africa CDC is closely monitoring the situation; and will continue working with the Government of Republic of Côte d’Ivoire to deploy emergency response support team of experts, supplies and equipment as needed. It will also continue to work closely with the West Africa Health Organization (WAHO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) to coordinate emergency preparedness in neighboring countries across the region.

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In addition, the Centre Hospitalier et Universitaire Cocody in Abidjan released the following on their Facebook page (computer translated):

A patient from Guinea admitted to the ER on the night of Thursday 12 to Friday 13 August 2021 presented a table of high suspected Ebola virus fever.

After the collection and transfer of the patient to the Treichville Infectious and Tropical Disease Service (SMIT), the following measures were initially implemented:

– Decontamination and closure of the patient’s living room;

– Making available; Emergency, Personal Protection Equipment (EPI) and Protective Equipment;

– Identification and self-monitoring of first contact staff.

Following confirmation of Ebola hemorrhagic fever today, the General Management formally reminds staff, strict compliance with basic hygiene measures, including:

1. Washing hands before and after care.

2. The systematic wear of gloves for care.

All these measures are aimed at limiting the circulation of the virus and the spread of cases, as well as protection of staff pending the imminent launch of the immunization campaign carried out by the Ministry of Health, Public Health and Universal Medical Coverage to the attention of the staff.

In any event, the CHU General Management of COCODY invites staff to keep calm and continue the work in peace.

To the attention of users, Cocody’s CHU remains open and you are kindly requested to strictly adhere to health safety measures for the good of all.

We remain available for any further information or explanation.