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The latest report issued by the Department of Epidemiology, the Ministry of Health (Minsa), reports on the updated cases to date of dengue, hantavirus, malaria, leishmaniasis and Chikungunya in the country.



The report highlights that there are 1,661 confirmed cases of dengue throughout the country, broken down as follows: 1,461 cases without warning signs; 193 with warning signs; 7 cases of severe dengue and no deaths have been registered.

The regions with the most positive cases are: Colón with 377 cases; Panama Metro 300 cases; Bocas del Toro with 232 cases; West Panama with 184 cases; North Panama with 168 cases; San Miguelito with 143 cases; Herrera with 68 cases and Los Santos with 66 cases.

The Ministry of Health (MINSA) reiterates the importance of keeping homes and work environment clean, checking door screens, windows, and looking under sinks, as these are places where there may be breeding sites for the transmitting mosquito.


Regarding the confirmed cases with Hantavirus to date, a total of 17 cases have been registered throughout the country; of which with hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome, 11 cases are confirmed in total, of which ten (10) are live cases and 1 death, registered in the province of Herrera and with hantavirus fever there are six (6) cases.


These registered cases, the date, have been verified in the provinces of Los Santos with eight (8); Herrera with six (6) cases and Coclé with three (3 cases).

The Minsa emphasizes that people keep their home and their environment clean, also collected grains (such as rice and corn), store and seal them to prevent the rodent from having contact and leaving their feces and urine in the surroundings.


The accumulated confirmed cases of malaria so far in 2023 are 4,192 and this epidemiological week, 76 new cases of malaria 54 have been confirmed in Guna Yala; 10 in the Ngäbe Buglé region; 9 in Darien; West Panama with 2 and East Panama with 1 case, as the regions with confirmed cases to date.

The Minsa continues to reinforce the strategies to mitigate the cases of malaria in the country, the promotion and prevention strategies in these areas, distributing mosquito nets with chemicals and also, reinforcing the operational capacity and the supply of medicines against this disease throughout the country.

Aedes aegypti merchandise


Leishmaniasis, Chikungunya and Zika

Concerning cases of Leishmaniasis, they remain at 628 accumulated cases so far in 2023; of which there are 38 active cases, with 10 confirmed in Panama West; 8 in Bocas del Toro, 7 in the Ngäbe Buglé region, North Panama with 4 cases, Coclé, Panama Metro, San Miguelito and Veraguas with 2 cases each and Colón with one case.

Seven (7) cases of Chikungunya have been reported, distributed in the sectors of North Panama in Alcalde Díaz; San Miguelito, in the José Domingo Espinar sector; in West Panama, Burunga sector and in the metropolitan region, in El Chorrillo.

Still, no cases of Zika have been registered so far in 2023.